... I do ... Photos!!! . 5 Ws . players . background . event . visitor's guide . faq

What is the theme of the wedding?
The theme of the wedding is "Getting married". There is no need to wear Western garb, mouse ears or costumes.

Will Tara be changing her name?
No, she will not -- she will still be known as Tara. However, Kayla and Haillee have discussed hyphenating their names so that they are known as Kayla and Haillee Lowenstein-Wintergarden.

Will you pronouce the bride's name for us?
"Tah- rah" is preferred to the more common "Tear-ah."

Will any pets be in the wedding?
Yes, Haillee Lorraine will be Tara's canine attendant.

How many reception sites did you look at before you decided on the Picchetti Winery?
Approximately 54. Ironically, Picchetti was the first site we looked at.

Is the happy couple registering anywhere?
Yes, they are registered at Macys, Williams-Sonoma and Target.

What is your favorite phrase for describing your wedding?
"Our special day."

Did you pick wedding colors?
We're going with the generic #FFFFFF.

Are you going on a honeymoon? And if so, where?
We are. We are planning to go to ...

Answer goes here