
Stacy and Sean

About Us

Sean Hunsicker

I was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Of course this makes me an Eagles fan. I'm sorry to say that the highlight of these last few years has been the twice a year stomping the Birds give the Cowboys. Hey, we might not have a Super Bowl ring, but at least we put 'God's Team' in its place. My parents are Keith Hunsicker and Patti Scanlon. Both of my parents are remarried and I am lucky enough to have two great step parents; Judy Hunsicker and Andrew Pollack. If this all sounds very confusing, you're absolutely correct. I have a younger brother Mike and a still younger step brother named Michael Ross.

I went to La Salle College High School where I learned that after 4 years of an all boys high school there was no way I was going to do the same in college. After graduation I was lucky enough to be accepted to Cornell University in Ithaca New York. I majored in English Literature and Cornell was nice enough to let me stay for 5 years. While at Cornell I played football and was in a fraternity; Sigma Nu.

After college Stacy and I moved in with my parents for a few months until we were able to find good jobs in the area. I accepted a sales position with a pharmaceutical company. The only catch was, that I had to move out from Philly to Lancaster. After a few years of being a glorified caterer for said pharmaceutical company, I was lucky enough to find a great sales position with Allentown Valve and Fitting. You might ask, "What the heck are valves and fittings?" If you want to get a better idea of what I do take a look at the Swagelok Website.

Other than work I've been enjoying designing the website and playing with dreamweaver. I'm sort of a computer nerd and love tinkering with them on most weekends. Now that the weather is nice I'll be getting back out there to fish. Another thing I'm very passionate about is my music. Stacy and I love going tailgating and then seeing a concert. I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan and Stacy and I saw them most recently in Reading for the VFC tour. We were third row on Mike's side and were just blown away. Keep your fingers crossed for a 2005 summer tour and the new album.


Stacy Wolverton

I was one of the lucky ones - a Texan born, raised, and proud. I have no comment about the Eagles and Cowboys (perhaps I should have more loyalty, but hey, not a big Jerry Jones fan...) Instead, I ask you Philadelphia fans...have ANY of your teams won championships in the last ummmmm, say 20 years?!?

After spending my last years of high school at Texas Military Institute (no, I didn't have to wear a military uniform!), I decided I'd embark on a great adventure...to the bizarre world of an all-women's college, Wells College, where I had the most wonderful, enlightening times, and collected memories with beautiful friends who helped me on the journey where I am today.

I curently work as...okay, you ready for this?...Gifted Education and Enrichment Coordinator and Data Analysis Support for the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13. Quite a mouthfull, eh? So, what the heck does that mean? Basically it means that I have the best job in the world. I coordinate "enrichment" experiences for the gifted (read:smart) students who are in the school districts of Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. It's just a fancy way of saying that I get to put programs together for some great middle and high school kids, and then enjoy the experience right along with them. Examples? Well, for instance we had a whole forensics day, where the students had a couple of clues and some victims to interview in a "who-done-it" mystery day. And (this is my favorite), we got an introduction to scuba diving...in the water, with all of the equipment, everything. (I know, right? I get paid for doing something like this?!?) I must say, I would not trade my job for anything in the world!

Currently, Sean and I live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where at the moment, we are enjoying the wonderous sight of spring. I'm not a big fan of cold weather, unless it produces snow - and enough to make the streets slippery to give my a delayed start to work, or better yet, a snow day! However, Sean and I have been looking forward to spring for a long time so that we can start up our weekend driving. The farmers are plowing the fields and planting seeds - soon, we'll be able to see the corn growing! I'm not sure where we'll travel to this year, but I know one thing for sure will be on the menu: fresh, steamed crabs. (They are my latest obsession). In any event, it'll be a great summer!

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